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New Zealand Gin Day, created by two gin loving kiwi gals, Mars and Shaans. A day when gin drinkers can get together to celebrate our fantastic New Zealand gins, crafted by our talented New Zealand distillers.

It is celebrated the fourth Saturday of January, every year.

Each year, they get together with a few New Zealand distillers to release a special limited edition distillers’ choice. Each distiller involved picks a botanical and sends it to the official distiller of the year. Who in turn, works their magic and creates a wonderful unique celebratory gin for us all to enjoy.

This year the talented 1919 Gin distiller Soren was chosen as the official distiller for New Zealand's largest gin collaboration featuring Dr Beak, Juno Gin, Kiwi Spirit Distillery, National Distillery Company, Reefton Distilling Co. , Sandymount Distillery, Roots Dry Gin, Victor Gin and distilled by 1919 Distilling.The latest creation is limited to less than 1000 bottles NZ wide so get in quick.

  Juniper led London dry style gin with classic notes of pine & New Zealand Citrus with Fresh bursts of lemongrass, and hints of Kanuka.

An approachable, London dry gin and a great kiwi made all-rounder. To be enjoyed with your favourite tonic or soda, and it’s the perfect gin for cocktails. 
New Zealand
Gold Medal Winner
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